Gail Vanark, MSN, FNP-BC, uses her extensive blend of both conventional and complementary integrative therapies to develop individualized treatment protocols to foster wellbeing and health. She is ANCC Board Certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner and is licensed in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society and the New Hampshire Nurse Practitioner Association.
Born and raised in Milwaukee, WI, Gail received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Marquette University in 1977 and her Master of Science in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner from Rivier University in New Hampshire in 2001. She considers her benefit to patients as that of both an investigator as well as an educator as she constructs a custom treatment protocol for each patient. Treating imbalances in the body requires "gathering all the pieces of the puzzle" that may have led to the symptoms developing. She has studied and utilized natural therapies for the past 20 years.
Gail opened her practice, Center for Preventive Medicine, in 2003. She spoke at the Northeast Regional Nurse Practitioner conference lecturing on Integrative Approaches to Allergies. She has taught classes to the community regarding Detoxification, Natural Hormone Balancing, Lyme Disease and Nutritional Strategies for Optimal Health.
Gail's interest in integrative therapies was peaked when she was dealing with Lyme Disease in 1989. As she realized many treatments were not effective, she became aware of "other tools in the toolbox" of which she had not been aware with her conventional training. It was at this turning point that she knew she wanted to practice with this treatment focus. And so.... the learning began. In the past 3 years, she has added to her toolbox both Electrodermal Acupuncture testing and Functional in-office laboratory testing.
She is married and the mother of two adult children. She enjoys kayaking, herbal gardening, cooking and Zentangle.
Gail Vanark, MSN, FNP-BC
Family Nurse Practitioner

Favorite words to live by: "Live, Laugh, Love and Leave a Legacy"

"I feel so lucky to have found Gail- I saw her for what I thought (along with my PCP) was a thyroid problem. I became tired of the daily medication, although it was natural thyroid hormone replacement... it was not helping with pretty serious hair loss & other symptoms normally attributed to thyroid issues ( constant cold hands & feet, Raynaud's Disease, anxiety and mild depression) With the help of an EAV scan, she determined my hair loss was caused by mercury toxicity and most of my other symptoms stemmed from a genetic issue very treatable with life-long vitamin therapy. After treatment focusing on natural therapies, my hair loss stopped, my other symptoms began to get better and I am now tapering off my thyroid medication and will be pharmaceutical free shortly.
What I love about Gail's practice is unlike my experience with conventional practices, she spends a substantial amount of time getting to know you & your history. But most importantly for me, Gail's focus on the cause of symptoms helped me to heal and recover quickly."
--- Anonymous
I have been dealing with environmental illness/multiple chemical sensitivities for more than 35 years. I have had some good doctors in the past, but they were unable to know which treatments, supplements, homeopathic remedies & herbals would work for MY body. Since working with the Center for Preventive Medicine, I have experienced not only healing but regaining my quality of life.
___ Anonymous
"I can’t say enough about how much Gail has helped me and so many of my friends and family. I literally bumped into Gail on the street and I happened to be reading a detoxification book. She asked about the book and my life got better from that point on. I was struggling with metal toxicity and formaldehyde sensitivity. She soon discovered that my conventional diagnosis was not the complete picture and after testing me and working on my many medical issues - I got to the root causes of my health issues. And she has been such a resource for my many other pop up issues along the way. I can honestly say that I saw at least 20 conventional specialists and over 10 unconventional practitioners but she is by far the absolute best at peeling the onion and getting to the real issues. She doesn’t just treat your symptom, she is focused on total health and truly has the expertise and knowledge to get you where you want to be – which is healthy and happy. Her treatment plans are so on the mark. You can buy many things, but you cannot buy your health so to have someone that can point you in the right direction is priceless." ~ Anonymous
“I went to see Gail out of frustration with my medications for depression. I was at a point of not enjoying my life anymore and not participating with activities. The medications had terrible side effects and did not seem to help. She did Neurotransmitter testing, changed my diet and gave me nutritional supplements. I have my life back and I am very grateful”.
---Charlotte, Andover, MA
" At 32 years old, I spent over a year and a half being told I had chronic tendinitis and inflammation in both of my wrists from my job as an ultrasound tech. The pain got so bad I was barely able to brush my teeth or turn a door knob and I had three different types of doctors telling me to just give it time and wear braces. I almost gave up my career because I believed it was causing the issues. I had many prescriptions, steroid injections, physical therapy and an arthroscopy all resulting in no improvement. I had thought in the beginning I might have had Lyme disease but the general screening test had come back negative so I moved on to other options. Turns out after getting the Igenex Lyme test, I did have it.... It was a relief to finally have an answer after so long of not knowing. Within one month of being on the antibiotics, I saw a major improvement and within 4 months I was completely back to normal. Gail helped me get my life back and saved me from giving up a career I loved. I will always be grateful! " ~ Anonymous
"I had a hysterectomy at 48 and within the first year developed many symptoms that changed my quality of life. I had no energy, yet I could not sleep. I had hot flashes and irritability and no sex drive. I was gaining weight and went to her office in tears. She reassured me that this was a “time of turbulence” with the recent surgery and that my hormones were not balanced. She tested my hormones, found the imbalance and treated me with bio-identical hormones and lifestyle changes. It has restored my quality of life in so many ways. I have the levels rechecked yearly and she adjusts my doses as needed."
---Roberta, Bedford, NH